Pose Library
Pose Library | Animation Tools | Unity Asset Store
ToyBox: is a shader. This is a vertex & surface instance shader in a 4x4 UV color palette. The purpose of this shader is to provide one simple but powerful shader that can be applied to all meshes in a game to reduce draw calls.
Pivot: is a component. Use this to move the mesh(s) pivot i.e. transform location.
Pose Manager: is component. Use this to save the pose as a snapshot. Each snapshot stores an image which can also be used for 2D character animation. This snapshot can be used for keyframe animation.
Pose Library: is a file formatted with the .pose extension which is used to store pose information e.g. muscles [ inverse kinematics ], names, images, and transforms.
Avatar: this is a component, used for exporting an avatar within a filmbox [ .fbx ] formatted humanoid character and to bake the current material e.g. the ToyBox shader into a 4x4 UV color palette texture.
Native Avatar: this is a component and the name of the dynamic-link library [ .dll ] plugin.
Pose Material: this is a file formatted with the .pep extension which can be exported to and imported from Clip-Studio via the bundled 'clip_he.fbx & clip_she.fbx' ; Paint & Modeler.
Welcome, if you made it here congrats!
This is the official page for the Pose Library - Native Avatar plugin for Unity3d.
This plugin includes an avatar, a customizable character, the pivot component, and the toybox shader for you to pose & animate quickly!
This plugin was created to simplify character animation and creation!
This page will cover the following; requirements, plugin structure, usage, and possible upcoming features!
Minimum packages Requirements:
Shader Graph
Unity UI
Universal RP
3D Characters and Animation
Animation Rigging
FBX Exporter
Editor Coroutines
Native Avatar - 3D character creation:
Click [ Avatar Template ] located as a sub-selection of the main toolbar [ Tools. Native Avatar ].
This button will do the following;
Import and probuilderize the default character template with the name "AvatarTemplate".
Add the required components and assets e.g.;
Pose Manager
Toybox 2
This component is used to create the texture, prefab & .fbx of the character.
Image Resolution: [size in pixels] Of the 2D texture to use when baking [ saving ].
Save As: Name that will be used and appended to the saved assets.
Bake Texture: Button will create the texture for you if x and y and both greater than 3.
Create Avatar: Button will create your character with the following options;
Merge Submeshes: Checking this checkbox will merge the meshes together.
Prefabasset And Connect: Checking this checkbox will create a prefab for you when saving.
Animation Type: The default is human. This was added for future animation types e.g. animal, nature & alien.
This component can be added to any humanoid avatar to pose & animate.
Library: The current .pose library file, when empty [null] the Pose Library UI will not work.
Pose Library:
Remove: Button will remove the selected pose.
New: Button will create a new .pose library file of the avatars' current pose.
Add: Button will add the current pose of the avatar using the Search field to store the name of the pose.
Search: Field to search the .pose library or for use when adding a new pose.
Pose: Button is a snapshot [image] that will put the avatar into the selected pose.
Notes: This is where relative notes will be shown along with the keyboard shortcut(s) information. e.i;
Q0 pose: Button will set all rotations to vector3.zero e.i. quaternion to identity.
Shift & V: Remove the Ik target.
V: Toggle the Ik target on & off.
Shift & B: Lock all the Iks.
B: Lock the selected Ik.
Shift I: Toggle all Iks on & off.
I: toggle the selected Ik on & off.
Mirror [Left Bones | RightBones]: Field used to search for a mirror of the gameObject.
right: Will mirror the bones from left to right.
left: Will mirror the bones from right to left.
swap: Will swap the bones e.i. left will mirror the right and vice versa,
Take Snapshot: Button will save a snapshot e.i. image of the current pose.
Snapshot Outline: The outline color of the snapshot.
Snapshot Outline Width: The outline width of the snapshot.
Ik size: The size of the Iks for better visualization.
Draw Bones: Will render the bones when checked.
Imort IK: Will set the pose using the ik [musles] instead of transforms.
shape: Used to set the shape of the bone group.
bone size: The bone size of the for better visualization.
bone group: Used for debug visualization purposes.
color: The color of the bone group.
bones: gameObject field of the bones that belong to the bone group.
This component can be added to any humanoid avatar to pose & animate.
Library: The current .pose library file, when empty [null] the Pose Library UI will not work.
Pose Library:
Remove: Button will remove the selected pose.
New: Button will create a new .pose library file of the avatars' current pose.
Add: Button will add the current pose of the avatar using the Search field to store the name of the pose.
Search: Field to search the .pose library or for use when adding a new pose.
Pose: Button is a snapshot [image] that will put the avatar into the selected pose.
Notes: This is where relative notes will be shown along with the keyboard shortcut(s) information. e.i;
Q0 pose: Button will set all rotations to vector3.zero e.i. quaternion to identity.
Shift & V: Remove the Ik target.
V: Toggle the Ik target on & off.
Shift & B: Lock all the Iks.
B: Lock the selected Ik.
Shift I: Toggle all Iks on & off.
I: toggle the selected Ik on & off.
Mirror [Left Bones | RightBones]: Field used to search for a mirror of the gameObject.
right: Will mirror the bones from left to right.
left: Will mirror the bones from right to left.
swap: Will swap the bones e.i. left will mirror the right and vice versa,
Take Snapshot: Button will save a snapshot e.i. image of the current pose.
Snapshot Outline: The outline color of the snapshot.
Snapshot Outline Width: The outline width of the snapshot.
Ik size: The size of the Iks for better visualization.
Draw Bones: Will render the bones when checked.
Imort IK: Will set the pose using the ik [musles] instead of transforms.
shape: Used to set the shape of the bone group.
bone size: The bone size of the for better visualization.
bone group: Used for debug visualization purposes.
color: The color of the bone group.
bones: gameObject field of the bones that belong to the bone group.
Pose library
The .pose file is used to store poses and activate the pose library UI.
note: gameObjects with colliders can work as Iks by toggling the target [using the v key] and dragging the Ik to touch the target collider.
Snapshot: Button will save a snapshot i.e. image of the current pose.
New: Button will create a new .pose library file of the avatars' current pose.
Add: Button will add the current pose of the avatar using the Search field to store the name of the pose.
Remove: Button will remove the selected pose.
Search: Field to search the .pose library or for use when adding a new pose.
Seek: Slider used to switch to another pose or to cycle through them.
Pose: Button is a snapshot [image] hat will put the avatar into the selected pose.
Controller name: this is the name of the selected animation controller.
Animation Frame: field this is the fame # you are currently on and allows you to scrub the animation. field.
useClip: Toggle when checked will allow you to press the keyframe button and use the [ k ] shortcut.
Keyframe: Button will keyframe the current pose, allowing you to animate in the editor.
Swap: Button will swap the bones i.e. left will mirror the right and vice versa.
Ik Selection: Buttons allow you to select the corresponding ik handle.
IK Lock | Right Foot | Left Foot | Left Hand | Right Hand | Body | Look
Avatar Name: the name of the selected avatar.
Pivot - Modify the mesh transform component.
To use this component check the Enabled checkbox.
The mirror checkbox will only be effective if the mesh to be mirrored has the accompanying mesh component and its name set correctly e.g. if the pivot.gameObject.name is "LeftBone" then the gameObject of the mesh to be mirrored must have the name "RightBone".
TOYBOX [version 2]
4x4 [16 color] vertex & surface UV color palette with transparancy & emission.
The color[#] corresponds to the color in the palette and the v in vMask and vEmission means vertex.
Video - Demo
The First Official Video Of Pose Libray - Native Avatar